Saturday, March 31, 2007

from the skies

Met some friends recently, to look at their travel photos, and realized that photos from the skies, of the blue skies, white clouds, water bodies and land masses below, can be really beautiful. It is not that I was never aware of the skies while on the plane, but you do tend to neglect the beauty of things around you when you see it often enough. I do remember once, where the dusk was portrayed in a multi-coloured skyline, with hues of dark purple, to light blue, light yellow and orange. The clouds were also partially coloured by this, and the entire image was breath-taking. But I was not equipped with a camera on that trip, so no photo evidence available.

On my recent trip back from Changzhou to Singapore (via Shanghai), I took a couple of photos just to remind myself that it is alright to appreciate small things amidst doing routine work.

These are probably not the most scenic of views I had seen before, but it is a start. And the work trip to Changzhou opened my eyes (even more) about China. But that ... will be in another post.

stepping into another phase

it has been almost a week since my last relationship ended... officially... "officially" since i think it had already ended more than a month ago, with me struggling to hold on.

i still feel sad, still feel lost. but then again, this time, there is a difference. this time, i had told a few selected friends and seeked their support. while they are all not in the country, their words of kindness were still instrumental in my feeling better.

even with my past experiences, i am proud that i had still given it my all. and even though i remained paranoid most of the time, i had come to realize how much i would be willing to give in when i feel that strongly for someone. of course, that was not enough in this case.

i cannot tell how much damage i have sustained this time. will i be jaded enough to not treat my future relationships properly? will i continue to be foolish and fall head-over-heels for someone again? am i just sour to be calling that "foolish"?

all i know is that the big 3-0 is arriving soon. people get wiser with age. i certainly hope i do. and in the meantime, i will try not to be bitter or to reflect negatively on this past experience. i should choose to reminisce on the good times, and not dwell on the bad stuff. if only i am that obedient.