Thursday, September 3, 2009

IPPT and Holiday

Just took my IPPT on tuesday, and there were two takeaways:
1. There was a need for us to sign a declaration form on H1N1, and the nominal roll for the IPPT test takers was about 5 pages long, in NRIC number order... and i was in the first page... guess i was one of the older participants.
2. I was not really prepared to run too fast in the 2.4km run, since i had hardly had sufficient training prior to the test date, and i was having some muscle sore from recent trainings. But when the run started, there were two guys who were consistently fast, and pacing behind them, i managed to complete the run in 10mins 07sec. I amazed myself!

After some toggling back and forth on going and not going for holiday with the gang of pals, I had finally decided to go for it. Booked the flights, hotels and arrangements on Monday, and in less than 6 hours, i will be taking off to a nice and lazy holiday. Woohoo... photos will come later!

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