Thursday, December 31, 2009

the end of another year

it is time to review on the resolutions set out earlier this year, and to see where there had been success, and where I had fallen short...

1. Marathon + Sporting event
Not the best timing on earth, but completed the 9th marathon this year; Also joined the Passion Run in June...

2. Golf
Gave up before completion. Obviously didn't like this sport much.

3. Sports (badminton, tennis, beach volleyball)
This is a "cheating" resolution, since I would definitely be doing these! And did all these whenever I could.

4. Property hunting
Did not go ahead with this. Being lazy was the key reason, but potential job change was also another demotivator. No excuse for 2010?

5. Quality time with family
Yupz. Great year for this. Weekends, Genting trip... more next year!

6. 学以致用 - Dale Carnegie's concepts
Did not complete this course yet! Will continue next year. Using some of the concepts, though I must admit that there is some sort of personality clash with being good. :-P

7. Trust, share & learn
A little I guess, but nothing to be proud about. At least not as silo-ed as before.

8. Smile
Think I have been smiling more than before. Not that I frown less, but there are more reasons to smile sometimes. Small reasons, but reasons nonetheless.

Here's looking forward to the new year.

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