Sunday, May 30, 2010

Marathon 10

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Marathon 10
Refering back to last year's post...

Did better this year, with trainings up to 2.5 hrs... First night marathon... the Sundown Marathon, which began last night at 2359hrs...

Decided to take part on this event late last year, inspired by friends, and this is the first time I'm taking part in the night event with lotsa good pals running together or supporting.

1. Mobil Marathon 1999 5hr 48 min
2. ExxonMobil Marathon 2001 4hr 33 min
3. StanChart Marathon 2003 5hr 00 min
4. StanChart Marathon 2004 5hr 22 min
5. StanChart Marathon 2005 4hr 47 min
6. StanChart Marathon 2006 4hr 50 min
7. StanChart Marathon 2007 4hr 32 min
8. StanChart Marathon 2008 4hr 53 min
9. StanChart Marathon 2009 5hr 07 min
10. Adidas Sundown Marathon 2010 4hr 57 min

This makes 10, hitting my original target. Yeah!

The knees did not hurt as much this time, and it was more the abrasion, the sleepiness and the boredom that got to me. haha... now the question is... what will I do for this year's StanChart event?


Anonymous said...

congrats, Mr Tan. do gimme a mail when you've got the time?

Charles said...

Sure... judging from the time of this comment, I shall have to guess that you are Mr Tan in the European timezone?

Anonymous said...

coright lah, Tan. what else more polite could i have addressed you? the rest of the names arent too polite to be written on your personal blog.