Monday, March 17, 2008

a great time in Shanghai

Decided to pop by and stay in Shanghai for a night, in between the China and Taiwan legs of this current work trip. I always have problems switching from work mode to fun-travel mode. So why did I decide to go to this exciting city instead of staying back in Changzhou where I could get more work done?

it was only the chance of meeting up with a friend whom I made last August (see previous entry) -Tianxiang-ge ( :P sounds intimate, right?) that had me decided on going to Shanghai the saturday that just past, instead of staying in Changzhou where I could be getting more work done.

Eating along the river, strolling at the river for the afternoon view and later the night one, joining the crowds in the subway, prowling the streets of xintiandi, sipping coffee/tea lazily in the afternoon, walking in the cool air of the night along Nanjing Street... the company made the day most memorable.

Thanks John. Hope to see you in Singapore some time.

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