Sunday, March 9, 2008


chose to fly economy, to have a reasonable departure and arrival time, so that work can progress properly tomorrow...

anyhow, there was really insufficient spacing between the economy seats for comfortable sitting, and I do wonder about flying economy for longer trips, like the personal one in the middle of the year. perhaps I am just too pampered by "business class" ...

As usual, I would browse the Music Video section of the entertainment system, and listen/watch whatever SQ had to offer. Had been pleasantly surprised many times. I was concentrating on something else when another song began, and I had thought that the lady singer's voice was very unique. On looking at the screen ... it was a guy. Oops... and then some seconds later, were there two guys, or just some camera trick? Two guys in different clothings... were they the same person? Perhaps just brothers? ... Nope.. identical twins.

Found the sound and song very much to my liking, so decided to share it here.

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