Friday, February 29, 2008

sauna on a monday, lighter and a crowded carousel

a quick 2-week had passed... and it had been a very busy period, with strange activities on some days.

the japan trip was crazy, with the meetings and all. the follow-up work promises to sap more energy from me, so I'd better get some help soon.

the recent week in china was more interesting. after a meeting on monday, we had a lunch session with 2 different customers (they are close friends), and we had "yellow alcohol", which was served hot. while it was supposedly only about 30+% in alcoholic content, the shock did hit hard. perhaps it was also the consumption of the rice wine afterwards that gave me a really hard time. anyhow, i was not in the best shape after that afternoon drinking session. before we left, they distributed some lighters, with a light function at the other end to project various images that would cause most people i know to blush.

thinking that it was the end to that day of "work", i was a little relaxed, until i realized they were heading for a sauna. so i was feeling giddy, sleepy and with a headache, and had to take a warm bath, and get a massage. now, not wanting to be rude, i just went ahead... but once in the room, with the massage therapist, i told her that i just want a drink , and at most a head massage. sleep was the main thing on my mind... which wasn't working too well at that point of time.

so sleep i did, and even after they sent me back to the hotel (around 6pm), i collapsed into the bed for 2-3 hours. ended up not having dinner, but worked a little into the night. i wonder if my stomach cramps are caused by the drinking.

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now, fast-forward to only 3 hours ago - at the carousel in Changi airport, i was irritated by the situation at the carousel. Multiple choice time - If you were to pick up your check-in luggage/s from the carousel, would you (multiple answers acceptable):

(A) Stand real close to the belt, and close to where the luggages would first appear, so that you can grab your luggage/s as soon as it/they appear

(B) Stand about 2 meters away from the belt, at somewhere between the carousel and the exit gate, knowing that people need to be able to see their luggages and need some space to actually collect them

(C) Step in front of those people dumb enough to stand 2 meters away from the belt, so that you can have quick access to your luggage/s when you see it/them. Hell, best if you have the trolley that can provide extra barrier to those morons who are courteous enough to give space.

Felt like snapping the heads of those people who are (C)-choosers... ooo...

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