Saturday, February 2, 2008

a hurt back ... and a forgotten face of the past

It was like a relapse, with great pains felt at the lower back, making it difficult for me to move around. It was almost like the back sprain experience a couple of years ago, though not as bad. Anyhow, it decimated any plans for a more active weekend, and relegated me to staying at home to have "complete" rest.

Instead of just rotting at home, or even doing some work (yes, there is some work to be done), I decided to go through some of my old photos and scan them into the computer, as I had promised that I would do for the longest time. Should do the loose photos that are not already sorted into albums... and I had left a lot of photos in the original envelopes, or as loose pieces... It was fun to see the old photos, to see how young everyone looked then, and to realize that I was so very skinny in the past. Uni photos, photos from various trips, and army photos...

And that was when I saw a couple of envelopes. The names on the envelope are people whom I was supposed to pass the photos to, before I left the army about 10 years ago. However, due to the timing of the last overseas trip (where the photos were taken) and my ORD, I did not have the opportunity to pass these photos... and I let it slide. The names of all these people are familiar, with the exception of this "Saw Yong Kee".

Apparently, we might have been quite close, at least during the trip. We had a photo taken together, with one shot of him having breakfast (must be during the R&R?) and another at a temple. The wierdest thing is that... I do not recall knowing him at all. None of the scenes in these photos were even familiar to me!!! He could not have been with the battalion, as far as I can remember. So where did he come from? And why was he there? The mystery is bugging me ... ...


Anonymous said...

hey dont mind it that much... the fact is, you are getting old.
and i get gratified to know that you are aging at a faster rate than i am!!

Charles said...

oh gosh... i actually cannot find a suitable retort!
well, you had a headstart of half a year, so i've gotta slow down now!

Anonymous said...

yes you need to do that since you've already surpassed me in terms of memory lapses! hahaha