Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1st snow? underdressed for the weather...

Saw my first snowfall on Monday, in Daesan, South Korea... Actually, it was just small snow flakes falling for a short duration of time, so maybe the super tiny flakes I saw in March 2007 (also Daesan) would be the more accurate "first snow"... was i expecting to see a snowstorm as we see so often on movies and TV?

Anyhow, was at Harbin last night and took the opportunity to go to the 哈尔滨冰雪节 ( When we were asking the concierge, the immediate comment was that I was underdressed... clothings too thin, shoes not appropriate... Nonetheless, we were brave (read: dumb), and decided to go ahead. Before leaving the hotel, the concierge commented that I'd better get some more protection, and immediately offered me a cape, ear muffs (this was an essential).

It was pretty amazing... amazingly cold, walking among the ice and snow. The feet were suffering, and the shoes were also unsuitable for stable walking (fell once, and nearly fell N times). In the end, we travelled between the "safe havens" quickly, to save our feet. The ice buildings certainly look great, with the inner light tubes. There was also a bar (see above), which we did not enter, and slides, which we did not play. Guess getting a cold butt, or the risk of getting stuck on the way down wasn't appealing at all.

Today, at the customer's site in Daqing, more than one person commented that what I was wearing was absolutely insufficient for the weather. And not one commented about my boss... was it because I look positively vulnerable? Maybe I should really invest in some winter wear better suited for this -22°C weather condition.

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