Thursday, January 1, 2009

a new year (again) and new resolutions?

I had only been "rudely" reminded that I had set resolutions for 2008, in late November... and realized that I had *gasped* not achieved them........... in summary (with excuses)

2008 Start introductory golf lessons - tried some lessons, but failed to continue due to heavy work commitments
Volunteering work - never got down to this. no excuses. sigh.
Tennis & Dragonboat - only played a couple of tennis games. did not even try to join dragonboat, since my schedule can hardly be regular.

So now, for 2009, let me set some goals and resolutions! If not for these, what drives us ahead?

1. Do my 9th marathon plus another sporting event this year ... don't let work be an excuse to miss these out.
2. Golf lessons ... started lessons again, and this time, I will work towards the PC test
3. Badminton, tennis, beach volleyball ... ok, this is obviously cheating, cos doing these 3 activities that I like need hardly be on this list...
4. Property hunting - get sometime, or at least learn how to get there
5. Spend more quality time with the family
6. Actively use the knowledge and skills from the Dale Carnegie course in my life and work. Stop being bitchy and whiny...
7. Trust family and friends more. Share and learn.
8. Smile more.

And to do better, I shall include the resolutions on my side-bar! Haha...

So, what are your resolutions and goals for 2009?

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